Caithness Snow - My favourite scene

9 Nov 2002
Wick, Caithness, Scotland
Taken today (3/3/06)

All taken in raw and then (poorly) adjusted.....


\This one looks really soft here\ Thoughts?


Struggling a wee bit with the exposures etc but I am sure it will come in time.

C&C welcome as always

Like #1, your right about #2 being soft and #3 doesn't really do anything for me, sry.

I also think your borders don't really compliment the photos.

You have good compositions there though and I think with some more PS work they could look a lot better.
Quite like the shots although as you say #2 is soft for F11. I can't see that it's camera shake as the shutter speed looks more than fast enough.

You've done a pretty good job with the exposures all things considered - snow is very awkward. Generally you want to under-expose snow by about 2 stops IIRC.
number 2 a little dirty looking: by that I mean a lot less cleaner than the other 2.
Wow, just looked at these on my main PC as opposed to having posted from my laptop.....

Really really really surprised at how different they look on my NEC tft compared to my ACER Ferrari 3000!

Really look quite blown out on this PC as opposed to what (Ithought) were nice images on the lappie.

Need to look into this some more....

Anyone else find this?


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