I'm really not sure if my Tamron 70 to 300 is focusing right or if it's just me not knowing how to get sharp photos. But it can't be that hard to get sharp photos, I've practised enough, there's no way it should be this difficult.
But I struggle to get anything better than soft or blurry focus. At 300mm zoom, I'm taking photos of things that look ok on the LCD screen until I press the magnify button to 10x and it's always a bit blurry, even on a tripod. I've tried dozens of shutter speed, aperture and ISO setting combinations. For example, as a test, my camera is set up on a tripod in my kitchen looking through a very clean window at my bird feeder. The distance from lens to bird feeder is 23 feet. When I take a photo of a bird at that distance, I'm guessing it should be sharp at max magnification? It never is. And I don't think 23 feet is too far for a 300mm zoom is it?
I've looked into calibrating and have an idea how to do it. I know for instance to set the aperture to the widest, I know how to get to the AF micro adjustment function on my camera and adjust in increments for forward and back focus. And I found a youtube video where the guy has made a downloadable test paper with lines and numbers.
But I'm not sure what distance I have to be from an A4 sheet of test paper for 70 to 300mm. For calibrating it at 300mm, I think I need to focus on the paper a minimum of 25 feet away, does that sound about right?
But I struggle to get anything better than soft or blurry focus. At 300mm zoom, I'm taking photos of things that look ok on the LCD screen until I press the magnify button to 10x and it's always a bit blurry, even on a tripod. I've tried dozens of shutter speed, aperture and ISO setting combinations. For example, as a test, my camera is set up on a tripod in my kitchen looking through a very clean window at my bird feeder. The distance from lens to bird feeder is 23 feet. When I take a photo of a bird at that distance, I'm guessing it should be sharp at max magnification? It never is. And I don't think 23 feet is too far for a 300mm zoom is it?
I've looked into calibrating and have an idea how to do it. I know for instance to set the aperture to the widest, I know how to get to the AF micro adjustment function on my camera and adjust in increments for forward and back focus. And I found a youtube video where the guy has made a downloadable test paper with lines and numbers.
But I'm not sure what distance I have to be from an A4 sheet of test paper for 70 to 300mm. For calibrating it at 300mm, I think I need to focus on the paper a minimum of 25 feet away, does that sound about right?