Call of Duty 2 online

16 Jun 2005
Back in the UK
I'm after a new shooter to play online that I can play with some of my freinds with older PCs.

How well does COD2 play on an older computer (good dx8 kit), I understand its quite abit more scaleble than allot of new games.

I also assume its gameplay wise very similar to COD1 (which i liked).
If your on old PCs I would try COD1 and possibly United offensive expansion pack.
They played great but only lack a few things from COD2 e.g Good graphics and a few options.

CoD2 is not identical play to cod1, similar, but quite a number of differences. :)

The main one being your health is no longer a fixed number that can be worn down because you regenerate (quickly too) so you have to have the full hit in one else you won't die.

The new Maps are a lot smaller than cod1 maps and the cod1 maps have all been changed a fair amount, except mp_carentan which is almost identical.

Smoke grenades and Shotguns have been added, as well.

You'll find me on one of the S&D rifle only servers as a random name :)
Kreeeee said:
The gameplay is identical to CoD1 and the engine is almost as scaleable as the HL2 one.
no its not, cod 1 is better, cod 2 is a console port with huge hitboxes, small maps etc, its still a good game, just nowhere near as good as cod 1 was online

ive played all the cods , inc the xbox 360 version, and i can say that cod 2 is actually better on the 360, must have been designed this way 1st

anyhoo buy cod 1
Cod1 works on a Athlon 1.2 with GF3 TI200 and 256mb ram

Use that to base your opinion. Cod2 does not.

Cod2 online is more polished.

Very scaleable as you can choosebetween dx7 and dx9
I like COD2 online better.
Single player sucked to be honest, didn't like that at all.

i probably play more cod2 than is health, but when i tried UO i couldnt get back into it. mind u that might be because none of my friends were on the server and for me playing against ppl u know is half the fun.

if you and your friends are just getting into it feel free to come on our public server, we're a friendly lot and attract some nice regular players (i find it much more fun playing on a friendly server than one full of 10 yr olds shouting "noob" and "hax")

anyway thats my 2 penneth, if your into online play then this could be good for u. i've got a couple of hundred hours online time already

Cod 2 online is pretty much a pile of crap. Hit boxes seem to follow the player around or smoething as ive lost count of the amount of times ive clearly hit BEHIND someone with a sniper rifle and still got the kill, and for those aobut to say lag, no not lag im always on uk servers pinging around 20-25.

The health regeneration is yet another joke, talk about dumbing the game down to stupid levels, if that doesn't scream console port i dunno what does.

I know the ppsh was a spam machine in the first game but this game takes it to all new levels, in cod:UO they seemed to tone the psh down, but in this its back with a vengeance, you can basically run around with the ppsh holding in the fire button and get a load of kills constantly. I got 6 headshots in around 4 seconds yesterday just by charging at a load of them who were i turn charging at me.

All said the games pretty much a joke, dx9 mode offers little difference visually over dx7 mode but the frame rate hit in dx9 mode is laughable, i can have everything maxed in dx7 mode and keep the fps locked at about 90, but in dx 9 mode this bombs down to around 30-40 depending on the map and whats going on.

Only big difference in dx9 mode is the weapons have a bit of bumpmapping going on and some of the uniform parts have this as well, besides that nothing really grabs you by the nads and slaps you in the mouth screaming OI, LOOK AT THIS YOU ******.
Well there is the bushes problem in DX7 mode, I dont know if its still there, but bushes would actually dissapear when looking at them from a distance allowing you to see through them and shoot through them at enemies, most obvious occourence being brecourt.
Gerard - I reckon you should try playing in a clan, or at least in mixes. CoD2 public isn't much fun at all but when you start playing clan matches thats where the skill ramps up, it's much harder to spray for 4 seconds and get 6 kills like you were saying. Everyone is much better and you need to play with more skill and tactics in order to win.
well we went back over to UO cos we had nothing but problems on our server.

put anymore than 6 maps = server crash.
AWE = server crash.
Punk buster refused to update (even though we manually updated it = booted everyone from server.

i think the patch was rushed out (even though it took them ages to get it out) its as buggy as hell imo,

edit: and oh DX9 on cod 2 = snow in moscow, which puts you on a disadvantage imo so i always used dx7
CoD2 is great online imo. Been playing with my team since the day it came out, its great fun but stressful sometimes if u take it seriously lol.


yeah if you play online use DX7 and make sure to set your hunkmegs to half your ram, maxpackets, maxfps and snaps for better performance.
Gerard said:
I was in a clan for cod-1, cod 2 though doesn't even compare imo.
i was part of the cod community for years, list some clans you were in

i was in 63rd kings , Younguns, [EVO] (for a laugh) and a few others

i remember the HG rifle only harbor server, those were the days

clan match every night with my clan, ooo happy days, now ive got an xbox 360 i havent played FPS for about 5 months, i have a real craving to play FPS now lol
I remember 63rd Kings and EVO of course, but dunno about Younguns... I was in Xtremists before I realised how rubbish the leadership was and about half the clan split to make Vex, with me acting as leader/manager... We're about to start our third incarnation of Vex once we've finished exams as we split up a couple of times but are getting back together.
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