Cod 2 online is pretty much a pile of crap. Hit boxes seem to follow the player around or smoething as ive lost count of the amount of times ive clearly hit BEHIND someone with a sniper rifle and still got the kill, and for those aobut to say lag, no not lag im always on uk servers pinging around 20-25.
The health regeneration is yet another joke, talk about dumbing the game down to stupid levels, if that doesn't scream console port i dunno what does.
I know the ppsh was a spam machine in the first game but this game takes it to all new levels, in cod:UO they seemed to tone the psh down, but in this its back with a vengeance, you can basically run around with the ppsh holding in the fire button and get a load of kills constantly. I got 6 headshots in around 4 seconds yesterday just by charging at a load of them who were i turn charging at me.
All said the games pretty much a joke, dx9 mode offers little difference visually over dx7 mode but the frame rate hit in dx9 mode is laughable, i can have everything maxed in dx7 mode and keep the fps locked at about 90, but in dx 9 mode this bombs down to around 30-40 depending on the map and whats going on.
Only big difference in dx9 mode is the weapons have a bit of bumpmapping going on and some of the uniform parts have this as well, besides that nothing really grabs you by the nads and slaps you in the mouth screaming OI, LOOK AT THIS YOU ******.