Call of Duty 3 = no pc vertion

20 Apr 2004
as the title says looking at the gamespy preview there be no pc vertion , yet anouther game franshire thats starts out on the pc gets taken away from us
They're probably concentrating the development into making it a fantastic console game rather than a reasonable PC / Console multiplatform game that has to compromise on certain aspecs in the development.

We'll probably see a new COD on the PC, just not in the form of COD3.
There have been COD versions purely for the console before. Same goes for Medal of Honor. Its just another one of those. Doesn't mean COD won't arrive on the PC again.
killer_uk said:
Wasn't this announced months ago? :confused:


well they killed cod off with cod2 anyway,

the red dots on the hud for noobs that cant listen :rolleyes:
the shoot and miss = headshot :rolleyes:
phss (or what ever its called) :rolleyes:

......bring back mohaa :p
This has been known for a while, I personally won't miss it, I play CoD2 and think its pretty sweet i just hate the fact that jump shots are so unrealistic otherwase i wouldnt have a single complaint. Meh to some it up.
Didn't they have a lot of problems with CoD2 due to the cheating online anyway? I don't think we'll be missing much anyway losing out on CoD3 as no doubt there will be loads ready to take it's place.

As for WWI, I don't think it would be too exciting camping in a trench for a few years trying to avoid artillery/snipers/machine gunners. ;)

Though I think we're missing a WWI flight sim.
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I would have to concur that a WW1 fps would well and trully suck the big one, trench warfare isnt fun even in a game.

Other than that COD 2 is what broke the game for me really, it just feels consoley and the series would benefit from a dedicated PC development for the next game.
This is way old news, cod 3 isnt coming to pc, cod: modern warfare is however!
2 different games, 2 different formats.
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