Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

Never been a fan of BO games but am recently startign to sharpen up again on MW so interested in this. Already a GP Ultimate sub so if it's available I'll grab it.
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I'll be picking this up on Xbox seen as I'm a Game Pass subscriber. Hopefully it will be a return to form for Treyarch.
As it'll be on Game Pass I'll give it a go but I want all the others to also come to Game Pass. That'd be amazing but also kill newer CoDs I imagine.
As it'll be on Game Pass I'll give it a go but I want all the others to also come to Game Pass. That'd be amazing but also kill newer CoDs I imagine.

That will happen at some point. Probably when they decide to stop doing COD yearly to fill in the gap.
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I’ve not played a Black Ops Cod since Black Ops 1 - That game is quite nostalgic for me, me and a bunch of mates went to a 24 Hour Asda to pick it up at Midnight and pulled an all nighter… We would play each evening after school.

I’ll give it a go on Xbox as Gamepass Sub, hopefully they slow the movement down!
Free is the right price for a COD game and we'll still be ripped off.

The way Cod’s are now really do tailor to the Fortnight crew of players.

How many kids now want Cod Points for Birthdays and Christmas over anything else.

Winning £££ Formula however leaves those of us who want the Nostalgia of great competitive Call of Duty un-impressed.
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