Call of duty language selection?

28 Feb 2006
I just joined a CoD 2 server and I had to download an extra thing to get on, fair enough.

I go to the menu and everything has changed to spanish! Is there anyway to put the language back to english and where is it? I can't find a "Chango del Languago" anywhere :confused:
Arsey said:
I just joined a CoD 2 server and I had to download an extra thing to get on, fair enough.

I go to the menu and everything has changed to spanish! Is there anyway to put the language back to english and where is it? I can't find a "Chango del Languago" anywhere :confused:

i would guess you need to delete the file from your COD2 > main folder that you downloaded.... it does my head in all the pants un-needed downloads that people put on to pimp there clan.

i bet its something like zzz_spanish junk.iwd
There is no stuff like that in the main folder. I got loads of iw_01/02/03 etc and a hunkusage.dat and loads of localised_english_iw01.dat etc. Is it those localised english ones?

I also hate these things you have to download. Same with CSS, people think that it will make people join their server but it just makes them leave!
Arsey said:
There is no stuff like that in the main folder. I got loads of iw_01/02/03 etc and a hunkusage.dat and loads of localised_english_iw01.dat etc. Is it those localised english ones?

I also hate these things you have to download. Same with CSS, people think that it will make people join their server but it just makes them leave!

nar the localised english ones are supposed to be there, thats me out of ideas,

if you post a screen shot of whats in your main i can have a look against mine if it helps, other than that i am useless now :confused:

delete the folders Awe45i43, powerserver and xtreme. Those are downloaded folders for mods.

I think miles is meant to be there. I can't get onto my pc with cod2 on at the moment.

If that doesn't work, then reinstall :(
yes i would delete all mods u have in folder and disable auto dl unless i know servervwell i dont put it on cause lot of mods conflict think u can change language in menu as well.
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