Call of Duty WW2 worth getting?

From what I have seen its subjective. I enjoyed last years cod I couldnt stop playing it but I play the games for the campaigns. This one is not as good compared to last year, so far i have done half of it. Cant say about multiplayer though. If I were you I would wait for a drop in price.
I would only be getting it for the multiplayer part of it, have not played COD in years now, but think i will wait as you said for it to drop in price more.
Personally, it's a nice break from the whole jetpacking saga, sort of back to basic's in a way, It's the first COD game i've enjoyed since Black Ops 1, haven't touched the campaign yet but I tend to enjoy the campaign more than Multi.
I didn't really enjoy the multiplayer on it, though its defo better than the last 4 or 5 cods, there hasn't been a decent cod since mw2 although mw3 was ok but from there on its gone down hill imo, I picked up rising storm 2.vietnam in the steam sale and its AMAZING compared to the new cod, not a great deal of players but always find a full game so far
Is it really 75gb each for the game and multiplayer so says my steam........25hrs download
The problem with cod is that only a small portion of the feedback give is genuine, the remaining large part is just white noise from the usual suspects (in the gaming community, not here).

Personally I really enjoy it (PS4 mind), War is the best thing to happen to cod, when we have full teams going it's fantastic, although I'd probably remoce my eyelids and look at Susan Boyle for the rest of my life than play it solo.

Cod for me is a game which can be very much enjoyed but you need to work around its shortcomings, the biggest of which is the scummy prats it attracts.

For this reason I will never play TDM.

You'll also need to take the typical cod crap on board and resist the urge to batter people to smithereens with a keyboard.

If you can handle all that, all cod games are fun.

This one is a £20 game for me, no more.
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