call of duty wwii

Yup played it online and SP, I wouldn't comment if I hadn't.

Although better than the usual exosuit space trash it's still terrible, the SP has as much depth as a shallow puddle.

If it floats your boat crack on mucker but there are better fps games about if you need an fps fix and better WW2 games coming out over the next 12 months.
Yup played it online and SP, I wouldn't comment if I hadn't.

Although better than the usual exosuit space trash it's still terrible, the SP has as much depth as a shallow puddle.

If it floats your boat crack on mucker but there are better fps games about if you need an fps fix and better WW2 games coming out over the next 12 months.

id be more than welcome to suggestions me old china ? i know pubg is a common game, but for me to looked to gta style
FPS games that I'd say are worth a look are: BF3/4/1, Squad, Insurgency, Day of Infamy (WW2)

Upcoming WW2 games Post Scriptum, Battalion 1944 (like COD2 and COD4) and Hell Let Loose.

Just a few to have a look into.
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