Call of Warhammer Total War - EPIC mod for M2TW

8 Sep 2005
Ok I am now writing this for the second time having just written a shedload of info then doing the classic schoolboy error of pasting a link over the entire written text without saving it /facepalm

Ok here goes (again)... there are two major Warhammer mods in development for M2W. One is called Warhammer Total War (WTW), and the other is called Call of Warhammer: Total War (COW). WTW development has now slowed down to a snails pace and is pretty much one guy doing things on his own. Things don't look good for it... and I was sad. However when browsing through their sub-forum I saw some Russian guy pimping his own Warhammer mod, Call of Warhammer, with comedy English that could only be plucked right from Google translate. Thinking "Hmm, this might be interesting", I clicked his thread link and...

Oh. My. God.

Thread is here, loads of screenies in it

This races will be in our mod:

  • High Elves
  • Dark Elves
  • Tilea
  • Empire of sigmar
  • Wood elves
  • Orcs and goblins
  • Chaos (all 4 seperate factions)
  • Dogs of War
  • Skaven
  • Tomb Kings
  • Vampire Counts
  • Lizardman
  • Bretonnia
  • Dwarfs
  • Kislev


Trailer 1

Trailer 2

Trailer 3

The team have apparently been working on this mod for over a year... and have used Mark of Chaos models and re-adapted them to build their own models. The result is a stunning level of detail and a great warhammer "feel" that I simply have not seen in any other mod before. ALmost every major faction will be included, some after intitial release, but they already have a TON of stuff finished and it's looking like it's almost ready for the initial release. The Chaos demons look awesome, and I really can't wait to see the Lizardmen!

Impressive is not the word. When I think of one suitable i'll get back to you. Excited much? :D

Screens in the post below...
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Some screens here. Please do not quote the pics, or if you do remove the IMG tag so that we don't end up with tons of wasted thread space.












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Youtube vids make it look dire.

Will have a go if/when it's released.

Dire in what way? It's the MTW2 engine pushed to it's limits... but with a full warhammer range of factions and units. There's nothing even remotely dire about it given the limitations of the M2W engine. Quite the opposite in fact, fans have been crying out for a full Warhammer make-over... and this is it..
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Well guys, there has been an update... Call of Warhammer: Beginning of the End Times has been released!

You may be asking: "well why should I care, Total War: Warhammer is about to come out? Well, you should care because this has all the major races in there and a ******* huge gameworld on the venerable MWII engine and mechanics, so it will provide a different nature of fix to TWW.

Here are the updtes:

Cant wait to install on the weekend for a quick black after I download TWW. Both are going to give me hours of fun. :)
7 years... That's dedication to your thread :)

Thanks for the update, though. Looks pretty cool

Hah yeah, but don't thank me, thank the modders who dedicate their free time to keeping these 7 year old games fresh. MTWII is still an epic game with more than acceptable visuals, and between this mod and Third Age there is still a lot of life left in it.

in fact this only shows a glimmer how much life TWW could have if the modding community gets behind it. :)
All videos taken from here, the dude who has tried to set up battles for all races...

Full unit roster...

Wow, Lizardmen fully implemented including awesome Stegadon model... :eek:

Skaven and Empire including flying units :cool:

Orcs and Vampire Counts!

High Elves and Dogs of War...

Wood elves and Dark Elves...

Slannesh... :D

Nurgle and Kislev...

Chaos Undivided including Giants...

Tomb Kings...

I'm probably missing some races but wow holy crap... :eek:
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