Calling any XPe experts

25 Nov 2004
Hi all

I am currently tasked with getting a certain project working on our thin clients at work, these are HP 7530 machines with XPe (SP2) on them. Basically the software that requires installing writes registry values to HKCU/Software/Classes and this is all good until you reboot. I know what you are thinking, is the EWF disabled, yes it is. I have committed the volume after installing the software as well, just in case it makes a difference, but it didn't. What happens is HKCU/Software/Classes is fully populated with thousands of registry entries but on reboot, the entire Classes folder is empty. Anyone able to shed some light on why this happens?

Thanks in advance.
So you've disabled the write filter, made the changes, flushed the cache and rebooted? Is it just the registry keys that are missing or all changes (files etc)? Also is the user account an administrator?
Just the registry entries, the files are all still there. As you said, disabled the write filter, made the changes, committed the changes (even though you don't have to with the ewf disabled, it was worth a try) and rebooted. Doesn't matter what account I use, Administrator or User. By default the "User" account is part of the Administrator group on HP TC's anyway.
Right to test the reg files are there after install you have tested that? What profiles are used is everyone using the same one or all different? Were are the profiles saved are you using roaming ones?
I am thinking that the reg isnt saved by the profile maybe its a slow network and it doesnt save it or it does save it and it get deleted for some reason. Install again then log off and open the ntuser.dat for that profile with regedit import hive and see if its saved ok.
If not what are the permissions on the hive?
Can you add it to the ntuser.dat and then start the user again and see if its ok
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