Calling Professional photographers..How much do i charge for this job? New too this.

30 Dec 2003
Hello. I have recently been doing allot of photo/editing for my boss at work. I have been taking images of our custom installs (av stuff,tellys ect) My work is going on the side of our work vans ect with images going round the shop re fit. We also just did a refit for a new shop/conservatory show room including inceiling speakers ect..The manager of this company has seen my work and he wants some form of pictures, including his show room and some of thier finished work in situe. I was wondering if you guys have any idea on what too charge. I havent had time too speak too this guy yet so i dont know exactly what too charge?

could you maybe point me in the right direction...
(haha get phone call during writing..going for meeting this monday)

Say he wants just raw images on a cd of his show room ect say 20 to be used in a portfolio? Do i charge per image. Or per hour?

Or if he wants say 20 images edited (using photoshop) jazzing up with thier comany logo too be used on thier web site and also in a brocure...Portfolio. ect..

Im a student and not a professional so i wouldnt be looking for silly prices..But i dont want 2 undercharge my self.

Just some tips and pointers would be amazingly help full.

Any questions would be welcome, Also answers :)

Thankz again....

it'd be rude if i took credit for it, i just bookmarked it last time cyk got it out ;)
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