Cam Chain Life?

11 Jul 2009
Anyone have a rough idea how long they last or when they should be replaced?:eek:

im on 56k miles now and just wondered if its fine or not? there is a bit of cam chain rattle but bike is fine/plenty power

I am a bit concerned though (ohh and I counted the teeth on tensioner it was 7 clicks out so not stretched much)
my zx6r,its like a tick tick tick tick and a rattle by the clutch/cam chain tensioner area

the tensioner is in a real stupid position aswell I have to take the tank off to get at it

I remember it being quieter than this
yeah,its not too loud but I would like it quieter

valves don't make a noise do they? as they wear they just get tighter with shims?

they aint been checked since 18k either
it could be those

but ive always been told they get tighter as the shims wear and don't make any noise

either way I reckon they all need replacing by now tbh

I really wanna do it myself but it is a bit daunting
So can you have noisy valves?

If the shims wear down then the valves won't open as far? hence tighter clearance
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it starts/rides fine no change from when it was new,i had another listen today its definitely coming from the cam chain tensioner side and around the clutch area

not loud but enough to notice it,im worried about the valves aswell need them done asap

bikes in good nick apart from that

EDIT: i thought the valves don't close properly(stay open) if shims are worn? yet some say they tighten up? idk
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yeah they are noisy

at 15k i wouldn't worry at all,from what ive read when they are first serviced/adjusted the length of time afterwoods is less important

i had mine done at 18k and its on 56k now,you can check the tensioner though and see how far its adjusted out,it will give you some idea of how far the chain has stretched mines on 7 clicks out
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