hello there,
One of my friends is looking for a new audio setup and looking around he has found 2 amps he likes the look of the Cambridge Audio a5 and the Cambridge Audio a500 the question is which is better?? My brother has an a500 and it sounds pretty good but im not very knowledgable in this area so I might be wrong. I found this on the internet if it helps
Any help would be much appreciated
crud I put it in the wrong forum :'(
One of my friends is looking for a new audio setup and looking around he has found 2 amps he likes the look of the Cambridge Audio a5 and the Cambridge Audio a500 the question is which is better?? My brother has an a500 and it sounds pretty good but im not very knowledgable in this area so I might be wrong. I found this on the internet if it helps
A500 remote-controlled integrated amp is rated at 65Wpc into 8 ohms. According to measurements conducted by Paul Miller of Hi-Fi Choice, it actually delivers 107W into 4 ohms/195W into 2 ohms/246W into 1 ohm under dynamic music conditions. This kind of low-impedance stability is positively unheard-of in amplifiers at anywhere near the A500’s asking price. It speaks of exceedingly well-designed, stiff high-current power supplies. In fact, the power transformer is a custom-designed tight-wind low-flux toroid.
Any help would be much appreciated
crud I put it in the wrong forum :'(