Camcorder advice?

17 Mar 2004
Market Drayton, Salop
Hi all,

the g/f is currently looking to upgrade our old camcorder (3 years old, hardly used but too bulky :confused: ), anyway, i have a few questions:

Ive read that recording onto MiniDV gives the best results, is this the case?

Is it really worth stretching to 3CCD over 1CCD if it is only going to be used for home videos?

Is there anything we should look for in camera? and anything we should avoid?

Our other main concern is she would like to get into video editing and then copying to a HDD/DVD to view them on the telly. She hasnt got Firewire on her PC, is there other ways to connect a MiniDV camcorder to her computer, and will it effect the quality?

Also, can anyone suggest some good editing software (pref free) that is easy for noobs but has enough advanced stuff for her to learn.

Any really good guides or tutorials would be great, as would any other info i may of missed out.

Thanks in advance.

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