Camera Flash Sync Cable -Colours

20 Sep 2005
Wilderness of ESSEX
Camera Flash Sync Cable -Colours


I have search the web for Male PC to PC collared cable 5meter or ideally 8meter in Red, Blue colours. Of course I can find plenty of Black cables to purchase.
Does anyone know where I can get coloured cables ?

Reason being when a group of us togs get together we have cables, adapters laying around every where

Many thanks
Not sure if it's classed as a competitor, but a dotcom where you could shop each day of the week used to sell them - though I'm not sure they still do.

Failing that what about just using some coloured electrical tape to put a different coloured band on each end of the cables?
Not sure if it's classed as a competitor, but a dotcom where you could shop each day of the week used to sell them - though I'm not sure they still do.

Failing that what about just using some coloured electrical tape to put a different coloured band on each end of the cables?


I could use some sort of Coloured sleeves / tape to put on the cable.
One tog I know has a yellow cable ( and he can not remember were he got it from,....) and when we are in the studio using model lights. We turn down the lights for the shoot and I have to use a PC to PC cable as I have no wireless triggers.
A few time we have tripped over the black cables and wonder who owns what cable as well. :rolleyes:
This yellow cable stands out reasonably well in the dim light and of course we all know who's cable it is ! :)
To be honest, I'd be more tempted to buy a cheap radio trigger set. Plug the receiver into one of the lights, set the others to flash slave, and pass the transmitter round to whichever photographer is shooting at the time.
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