Camera for Images 3800 pixels wide

18 Oct 2002
Sandwich, Kent
To make nice backdrops that fit my 3 monitors (3840x1024) I need a camera to take an image of that resolution width.

I just need to know how many megapixels that equates to. Been looking for a chart somewhere but unsuccessfully.

I'm guestimating its around 10mp, so I'm thinking of the Casio Exilim Z1000. (My previous camera was an exilim and its been great).
3840 x 1024 This size is not a standard format since when you take a picture is is 4:3, so if you require a minimum of 3840 width then you would need a 3840 x 2880 which is approx 11 megapixels. This is partly guess work so please correct me if im wrong someone.

However if you want a true image this size you could stitch multiple images together, it seems silly buying a camera for the sole purpose of a desktop background. Considering it will be across 3 displays I can't see that it would make much difference anyway.
Bug One said:
To make nice backdrops that fit my 3 monitors (3840x1024) I need a camera to take an image of that resolution width.

I just need to know how many megapixels that equates to. Been looking for a chart somewhere but unsuccessfully.

I'm guestimating its around 10mp, so I'm thinking of the Casio Exilim Z1000. (My previous camera was an exilim and its been great).

Get an 8mp camera and use something like Smartscale to upsize it. Full crops are nice for printing but I'm not sure I'd use most of mine for desktop wallpaper.
Could always just use stiching software to get proper panoramic images. That or go find nice backdrops from a website that has them wallpapers ;)
Matt said:
This is a very odd reason for buying a specific camera. Strange. Very strange.
I'm not just buying a camera for this. :p

I got water in my old exilim (z3) and when I get a new one, I'd like to be ablet to use some of the pictures I take as my desktop background. If I use the pictures I've taken on the current camera as backgrounds, then they look all blury blown up to that size.

Its nice to use to use holiday snaps and such like as your desktop background, so I may as well get a camera capable of doing that. I'm not after a slr, just a point and shoot everyday camera, but with resolution capable of 3840 wide. I know cameras dont take that exact rest. I'd just cut the top and bottom off a normal shot to fit the view.

I know I can resize upwards, but it never looks quite as good as a photo in itsd native resolution.
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