Camera recommendation

16 Jul 2006
Hi, 3 years ago I got myself a nice minolta 7hi camera, a couple of months ago it developed a fault and so was sent of to be fixed, however after waiting over 2 months I kicked up a bit of a fuss and have been given a full refund for what I paid, which is a pretty good result.

Just after some recommendations for what to be looking at now really, I should have £600 to play with, which now should get me a nice DSLR like the new sony or something similar. Im going to visit a No competitors, Big Kev and have a play with some, and proberly order of net eventually.

Any particular cameras people recommend, would be great if I could get a deal with a couple of lenses and extra batteries etc for that amount

Also anybody with a Minolta 7hi wanting accessories get in contact!


recently bought a minotla dynax 7d.

sony have bought out / taken over / engulfed (delete as apropriate) minolta now. Sony's new camera I believe is heavily based on the minolta, so if you like Minotla that might be the way to go.

I phoned sony the other day, to order a new battery, and they put me through to the minolta support.

during the conversation, I got slightly confused by the operator, and thought he was selling me a sony battery that was compatible. I asked him if the sony one was compatable with our minolta charger.

The guy got quite shirty "sony, who mentioned sony, I didn't say anything about sony, we are nothing at all to do with sony"

"sony have taken over minolta havent they"

"they deal with lenses and hte new stuff, they have nothing to do with us, and we have nothing to do with them"

Seems that there is a bit of bad feeling. But if minolta people are still dealing with minolta, I would say it is probably good news as they shoudl know their technology.

Or perhaps it is bad news that they have developed an us and them attitude.

Decide for yourself lol
I have no experience of milnolta or sony SLRs so I cant rate them better or worse than canon or nikon. What I can say is with £600 and no previous lenses to dictate what system to stick with, I'd give a Nikon D70s (or the new D80) a serious look (coming from a Canon user).

The route canon has taken with their 350D and 400D in making them smaller puts me off them and I'd only go for Canon if buying the next step of camera, i.e. 20D, 30D, etc. or above that, (5D, 1D, etc)

I'd also consider what lenses you are likely to want for the body you buy. I originally went for a Canon 300D and later a 10D because their lens offerings were more suited to my needs, ie a top macro lens for cheaper than the nikon equivalent costs, and a few well priced fast primes. If you compare the nikon and canon offerings for the lenses you are likely to buy it might throw some light on what the best choice for you is.

Another nice Nikon choice is the D50 (and well within your budget). And Overclockers sells them ;)
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