Camera recommendation.

3 Dec 2008
Hi all.

I’m off to Finland this weekend and I’m wanting to take some decent pictures of the scenery & nature there.

Currently have a GoPro hero 4 silver that will be coming with us and I also have a Canon 600d with kit lens and 300mm telephoto.
The DSLR is obvoulsy a little bulky and the lenses I have aren’t the best so I’m looking to pick up something to replace it and take with me that isn’t quite as bulky.

What recommendations can you give?
Budget is around £300, open to second hand providing I can get it by the weekend.

Or whether I should man up and take the Canon!

That is probably what I should do but I am still put off by the size. I’m not going purely to photograph and skiing with a DSLR just so I can take a picture at the summit won’t be too fun!

2nd hand RX100. Doesn't get much more portable than that.
I have found one second hand locally, they want £200 for it - does this seem like a good price? I have also found a Sony A6000 locally for £300 inc kit lens.
There's atleast 5 version of the RX100, which one are you being offered?

An A6000 is a very capable camera for £300, depends on whether you value portability or don't mind sacrificing size for the option of changing lenses/much bigger sensor.

I’m not too sure, advertised as just Sony cyber shot DSC RX100. I’m awaiting a reply at the moment. Assuming it’s just the base model.

I don’t mind the size of the A6000 as it’s a fair bit smaller than my DSLR.
I should say that I’ll be taking a GoPro with me also so a super portable compact my overlap with that.
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