I dropped my camera and now, the image is offset to one side and distorted. It's as if the sensor is no longer perfectly straight with the lens; it's like looking down the side of a dark tunnel instead of the centre; at minimum zoom I see the side of the 'tunnel' on the right, and an optical distortion at the left of the image. At higher zooms it gets better.
Also the pop-up flash no longer latches down but that is a minor issue!
Is this something that could be repaired? I have no experience with camera repairs as I'm usually more careful...
I dropped my camera and now, the image is offset to one side and distorted. It's as if the sensor is no longer perfectly straight with the lens; it's like looking down the side of a dark tunnel instead of the centre; at minimum zoom I see the side of the 'tunnel' on the right, and an optical distortion at the left of the image. At higher zooms it gets better.
Also the pop-up flash no longer latches down but that is a minor issue!
Is this something that could be repaired? I have no experience with camera repairs as I'm usually more careful...