camoflage doesnt work.

18 Oct 2002
block 16, cell 12
hi all, i was thinking about my BF2 and RO exploits over the last few days and ive come to the conclusion that camo in games doesnt work.

even when im a sniper or picking off a sniper on BF2, it is clear that the snipers camo just doesnt work.

no matter what player you choose or play as, it is entirely possible to see your opponents even on the most rugged terrain because the shaded models stand out so much! i can scan the horizon with any weapon and guarantee to find someone because the colour of the opponent stands out from the background, this makes them easy kills.

this is even apparent on RO. the camo never matchesa the background and u can always just see big dark blobs which you can identify immediately as another player because they stand out so much!

this really annoys me as it makes it impossible to snipe like a true sniper would, and reduces the level of realism in the game due to poor gfx.

has anyone else experienced and recognised this?
Joint ops was the best game ever made. Ever..

Camo usually always worked for me as a sniper in it able to hide in bushes on a mountain, or in some dense forest area, and move about through it without being spotted and, the sniper gun worked too! untill an update.. but anyway, bf2 and such, the camo normally stands out and makes you notice it, defeats the point, or again in bf2, the bushes are as unrealistic as pieces of paper stuck in the ground with green scribble drawn on and are about a foot high, so sniping just wont work with the best camo gear.

For camo to work, you need lots of trees/bushes, games coming out seem to have this, crysis for instance, the sheer amount of bushes and ground coverage will work amazing for tactical sniper work.

css, another game where camo can sort of work, the white terror skin works well in hdr maps and against some backdrops, but normally just a black head poking out from a yellow wall defeats the point again.
gord said:
The only game where camoflage worked was Operation Flashpoint..
I used a forest as camoflage in OFP. :D

Agreed (to a certain extent) on the JO comments too. Although from really really far away you could see someone.
yes i agree here, it doesnt work at all, its one feature that i would love to see working in games, the ability to move through dense jungles WITHOUT being shot from nowhere (as it may seem!)

snipers with all that bush camo looks cool but actually just makes them a bigger target to look out for...which is a shame as camo could go a long way in some games with dense flora
Booner! said:
snipers with all that bush camo looks cool but actually just makes them a bigger target to look out for...which is a shame as camo could go a long way in some games with dense flora

exactly its just pointless. u have big bushy men. looks like a blob that needs shooting no matter where u are on the map! the shimmering on some engines doesnt help either as it allows u to see enemys all too easily in the distance.

its a shame that this hasnt really been addressed in BF2 etc as it would make tje game better.
I'd have to agree with the OFP/JO comments, camo was brilliantly done in those games.

Are there any JO servers left? When the addon came out and I went to uni I just stopped playing. Was getting quite good as well. :( :rolleyes: [/hijack]
i installed it yesterday *sending mobo back in main rig, on crappy pile of hunk-a-junk now..perfect tiem for jo*

and all main servers are up :D some 150man jolts too.

Mainly expansion servers though, which i cba to buy. lol
Psypher5 said:
i installed it yesterday *sending mobo back in main rig, on crappy pile of hunk-a-junk now..perfect tiem for jo*

and all main servers are up :D some 150man jolts too.

Mainly expansion servers though, which i cba to buy. lol
No way!

only problem is i cant do anything, haha. forgot all controls, so used to bf2 :( Shift to enter a car?! WHAT?

I'll be on later hopefully :)
Skullfish1 said:
I'd have to agree with the OFP/JO comments, camo was brilliantly done in those games.


heh i have OPF platinum or whatever somewhere. yea the bad guys usually cant even be seen and they just pick you off - bam from 1000 paces!
BF2 is rubbish for camo, infact, with AA and AF cranked up I sometimes get a white line around other players at a distance, especially snipers, which makes it far too easy to pick them off (helps my scores though ;))

I'll try and get a screen shot of it.
Minstadave said:
BF2 is rubbish for camo, infact, with AA and AF cranked up I sometimes get a white line around other players at a distance, especially snipers, which makes it far too easy to pick them off (helps my scores though ;))

I'll try and get a screen shot of it.

i agree completely. oppnents in the distance stand out like a sore thumb, making them easy to snipe off, wheras in reality it would be much more difficult. this makes it very difficult to utilise the natural foliage as everyone can spot you a mile off no matter where u are.

kinda helps to ruin the game imo.
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