Camp America - Who's going this year?

7 Apr 2003
First of all for people who aren't too sure about what camp america is, its basically the traditional american camps that happen every summer and parents send their children away for up to nine weeks.

I'm interested in who's going this year. I signed up at the Manchester fair and will be flying out to Michigan to Camp Maas (Tamarack Camp) in mid June to be a Horizons counselor. A councelor that looks after mild special needs children, e.g. ADHD kids. Will be there for ten weeks then off travelling for another eight after all around america (or where I can go in the limited amount of time I have :D

Has anyone on these boards got any expierience in this kind of thing? Done it before and have any memories they wish to share or any information would be a great help :)

Sorry just realised there is a similar kind of thread about ccusa/bunac, however this thread is basically looking at who's attending this year and people with previous memories :)
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