I Picked up a dell dimension e520 yesterday for a fiver, all original apart from no hdd and so I still need to test it works like they told me, so I'm just speculating really.
It supports 8gb ram so may go all the way and doesn't look like a psu swap be a problem, do need to find a cpu support list.
So yeah once I get an upgrade for my gts 450 I am going to put it in the dell and the aim is a downstairs computer for gaming, but doubt a core2duo will match my current performance in the games I play and th q6600 still the easiest to get hold of. Doubt dell put oc features and probably no point in oc of the gpu.
I know the 6600 with 4gb and a 8600gt can run fine on a vs350 which I built before, but that gpu is super weak compared to the 450.
It supports 8gb ram so may go all the way and doesn't look like a psu swap be a problem, do need to find a cpu support list.
So yeah once I get an upgrade for my gts 450 I am going to put it in the dell and the aim is a downstairs computer for gaming, but doubt a core2duo will match my current performance in the games I play and th q6600 still the easiest to get hold of. Doubt dell put oc features and probably no point in oc of the gpu.
I know the 6600 with 4gb and a 8600gt can run fine on a vs350 which I built before, but that gpu is super weak compared to the 450.