Can a lightbulb set paper on fire?

4 Dec 2010
I've just made a very crude lightshade for my ceiling bulb with some A4 paper. I touched it a moment ago and it was really hot. Any possibility of it catching fire :O?
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Pic is here.


It's not touching the lightbulb, suspended from wire. But it does get hot. This is serious business guys. My house could burn down :(.
MARK II!!!!!! (No glue, but the guy who was here fixing the boiler left some crazy tape stuff).


I will be monitoring temperatures very carefully :p.
I'm pretty happy with this one atm, the paper isn't getting warm. The bulb is an energy-saving one and in the Mark I model the paper felt hot as it was touching the bulb.

AS TO WHY I'M BEING A *****. I'm a student so I'm poor. I'm revising for finals so I'm bored. I'm not leaving my room except for food and to visit the loo. And I'm moving out in a few months so no point. Etc etc.

(Will update if it catches fire:p)
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