Right, ive wrote a custom config file for Warhead, only problem is my speakers.
There a nice 2.1 set (Logtech Z4's). With my config i get nice sound BUT i keep getting crackling, can you guys have a look at it and find were the problem lies please?
There a nice 2.1 set (Logtech Z4's). With my config i get nice sound BUT i keep getting crackling, can you guys have a look at it and find were the problem lies please?
sys_spec_Full = 1
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 1
sys_spec_Shading = 1
sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = 1
sys_spec_Shadows = 1
sys_spec_Texture = 1
sys_spec_Physics = 1
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 1
sys_spec_Particles = 1
sys_spec_Sound = 3
sys_spec_Shadows = 2
sys_spec_Water = 1
sys_spec_GameEffects = 1
con_restricted = 0
r_width = 1680
r_height = 1050
r_VSync = 1
d3d9_TripleBuffering = 0
r_displayinfo = 1
sys_physics_CPU = 1
s_SpeakerConfig = 2
e_cbuffer = 2
cl_hitBlur = 0
cl_hitShake = 0
r_MultiGPU = 2
r_GeomInstancing = 1
e_particles_thread = 1
es_ondemandphysics = 1
gpu_particle_physics = 1
r_CullGeometryForLights = 1
e_vegetation_static_instancing = 0
e_terrain_occlusion_culling = 1
e_terrain_occlusion_culling_version = 0
e_terrain_occlusion_culling_max_dist = 200
r_HDRRendering = 2
r_HDRLevel = 1.2
r_HDRBrightOffset = 35.3
r_HDRBrightThreshold = 7
r_Glow = 1
r_GlowScreenMultiplier = 0.4
e_terrain_ao = 1
r_TerrainAO = 7
r_TerrainAO_FadeDist = 5.3
r_SSAO = 1
r_SSAO_amount = 1
r_SSAO_blur = 4
r_SSAO_blurriness = 1
r_SSAO_darkening = 0.025
r_SSAO_quality = 1
r_SSAO_radius = 1
e_obj_quality = 3
e_proc_vegetation = 1
ca_useDecals = 1
e_decals = 1
e_decals_allow_game_decals = 1
e_decals_life_time_scale = 0.5
e_lod_ratio = 6
e_lod_min = 0
e_view_dist_ratio_detail = 30
e_view_dist_ratio_vegetation = 40
e_vegetation_min_size = 1.0
i_rejecteffects = 1
e_vegetation_bending = 2
sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 6
e_view_dist_ratio = 40
e_max_view_dst_spec_lerp = 1
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_custom_ratio_min = 1
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = 1.45
e_detail_materials_view_dist_z = 128
es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 0.3
e_cbuffer_resolution = 128
e_dissolve = 1
ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 1
ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 120
e_terrain_normal_map = 0
e_terrain_lod_ratio = 1
e_terrain_texture_lod_ratio = 1
e_detail_materials_view_dist_xy = 4096
r_TexturesStreaming = 0
e_particles_quality = 2
e_particles_lod = 1
e_particles_lights = 1
e_particles_receive_shadows = 0
r_UseSoftParticles = 1
e_water_ocean_soft_particles = 1
e_particles_object_collisions = 0
e_particles_max_emitter_draw_screen = 24
e_cull_veg_activation = 50
g_joint_breaking = 1
g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0.35
p_max_MC_iters = 4000
e_phys_foliage = 2
e_vegetation_wind = 1
es_MaxPhysDist = 60
es_MaxPhysDistInvisible = 10
e_phys_ocean_cell = 1
e_foliage_wind_activation_dist = 10
g_breakage_particles_limit = 70
v_vehicle_quality = 1
p_max_substeps_large_group = 5
p_num_bodies_large_group = 100
r_PostProcessEffects = 1
r_MotionBlur = 3
r_Flares = 1
r_Coronas = 1
r_UseEdgeAA = 2
r_sunshafts = 1
r_colorgrading = 1
r_WaterGodRays = 1
r_DepthOfField = 1
g_Dof_Ironsight = 1
i_lighteffects = 0
g_ragdollMinTime = 5.0
g_ragdollUnseenTime = 1
g_ragdollDistance = 15.0
g_battleDust_enable = 0
r_Beams = 3
r_BeamsDistFactor = 0.5
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 45
e_Clouds = 1
r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 0
q_ShaderGeneral = 2
q_ShaderMetal = 2
q_ShaderGlass = 2
q_ShaderVegetation = 2
q_ShaderIce = 2
q_ShaderTerrain = 2
q_ShaderShadow = 1
q_ShaderFX = 2
q_ShaderPostProcess = 2
q_ShaderHDR = 2
q_ShaderSky = 2
q_Renderer = 3
r_LightsSinglePass = 0
e_sky_type = 1
e_sky_update_rate = 1
r_DetailTextures = 1
r_DetailNumLayers = 2
r_DetailDistance = 6
e_ram_maps = 1
sys_flash_edgeaa = 1
e_vegetation_use_terrain_color = 1
e_max_entity_lights = 7
r_UsePom = 1
r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = 0.075
r_TexturesFilteringQuality = 2
r_HairSortingQuality = 1
r_FillLights = 7
sys_LowSpecPak = 0
r_TexResolution = 0
r_TexBumpResolution = 0
r_TexSkyResolution = 2
r_ImposterRatio = 1.7
r_EnvCMResolution = 1
r_EnvTexResolution = 2
r_DynTexMaxSize = 80
r_TexAtlasSize = 1024
r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 24
r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 16
r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 64
r_Beams = 3
r_BeamsDistFactor = 0.5
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 45
e_Clouds = 1
r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 0
r_WaterRefractions = 1
r_WaterReflections = 1
r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0.01
e_water_tesselation_amount = 5
e_water_tesselation_swath_width = 5
r_WaterUpdateDistance = 0.2
r_WaterCaustics = 1
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 3
e_water_ocean_fft = 1
q_ShaderWater = 2
r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = 0.01