Can anybody help identify a tune from last summer?

Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
Can anybody help identify a tune?

This is going to sound quite vague but it's a dance/pop like song and it has main lyrics:

"Touch me...I need to feel loved.....I'm alone..."

I think it was released last summertime as well if that helps?
Tried&Tested said:
Nice. I'll be having a listen to your mixes very soon.

I highly recommed Krootons mixes think ive managed to listen to them all now and there all top quality ;) Have you got any new mixes planned urself?
blitz2163 said:
I highly recommed Krootons mixes think ive managed to listen to them all now and there all top quality ;) Have you got any new mixes planned urself?

Not done one since Christmas..long overdue. Used to be quite regular. I'll have to get one done soon...will let ya know.
krooton said:
on that note, I just uploaded my new demo that I recorded today :D

I checked the tracklisting and it starts with a bang! Love that track, i'll let you know what i think of the mix tomorrow

krooton said:
eat trance :D

OK i'm going to go all random now, that comment reminded me how much i want to experience synaesthesia... I'd love to be able to literally 'taste' trance. Apparently certain halLucinogenS can Do that to you...
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spoonz said:
ahhhhhhhhhh juno

I so want my decks back and all the vinyl i sold :(

Thats a mistake, never sell your vinyls, the decks yes but the
tunes no never, you will never get a collection back like it ;)

/looks at about 750 :D

That's it!! I don't think it was from last summer, it must have been from easter time. I remember watching it on a video on MTV in Belgium or somewhere random like that ;)
Might even be before that Grrr ;)

It got hammered last season though, and was my most
memorable song of Summer Hols sat on a beach listening
to that from Mambo :D

Roll on June!!!!!

Grrrrr said:
I checked the tracklisting and it starts with a bang! Love that
OK i'm going to go all random now, that comment reminded me how much i want to experience synaesthesia... I'd love to be able to literally 'taste' trance. Apparently certain halLucinogenS can Do that to you...

Hehehehe, not in all the years I've tried, but I guess it would be like ice-cream or something similar... maybe bubblegum? :D
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