Can anybody help me save my iriver iHP-140

25 Jul 2005
i have formatted my iriver to NTSC by mistake and now it will boot (and apears in windows as a drive) but will not play MP3's.

Rather foolish of me, but can anybody help me to get it back the way it was?
Assuming NTFS not NTSC - one is a file system format - the other is a video format.... ;)

You will need something like swissknife to reformat the drive as FAT32 - remember that if you use XP or Vista to reformat it to FAT32 it will limit the drive to 32gb due to an artifical limit imposed by Microsoft :(

Then reflash the firmware just to be make sure. ;)

All done.
Try mistic river forums. I don't know why ^ are telling you to flash firmware- the firmware is stored on the flash rom, not on the HD. If you take out the drive and connect to your PC you can then reformat to FAT32.

btw I think if your iriver had been flashed to rockbox, you can recover'll be in usb mode and won't attempt to access the HD. So you can then partition the drive and disconnect.

hang on you say still can access it from windows, just quick format to fat 32. Do that, copy a mp3 file and test playback.
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NTFS was it (got it mixed up with my telly :confused:)

i managed to use pertition magic to put it back to Fat32.

but it will not upgrade the firmware (although i will play mp3s, so no emergency).
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