Can anybody reccomend any sniper films...

Mmmmm, you could say parts of "Saving Private Ryan" - although it is not wholely limited to sniping, which i am guessing is that you are after?

Could also maybe look at Leon.

I dunno really, not many pure sniper films, but both of the above have parts :)
Cool, will have a look out for enemy at the gates...what about war films? dont have to be world war...
DaveMac said:
Crackin film to boot.

Jarhead : main character is a sniper, though no actual sniper action

Seen Jarhead...Good film but have to say there is little
[Sniper][Wolf] said:
Cool, will have a look out for enemy at the gates...what about war films? dont have to be world war...

Behind Enemy Lines
Black Hawk Down
Saving Private Ryan
All Quiet On The Western Front (ancient, pre WWII film, a challenge to find)
Where Eagles Dare (Clint's greatest film imo)
Battle Of Britain
Das Boot
I could go on... :D
Freeway always springs to mind when I hear sniper movies being mentioned. I'ts about a nut that shoots at people in cars on the freeways and goads the authorities via a radio station. It didn't get great reviews but I thought it was quite watchable.
Also not yet been suggested but the Bruce Wills & Richard Gere film, The Jackal (new one)

Insanely high calibre remote controlled sniper cannon ownage lol (at the end)

The Sniper films are very poor. Enemy at the gates is the only one I've seen that counts as a sniper film. Its not really that exciting an activity to watch is it?
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