Can anybody recommend a reliable managed hosting company?

18 Oct 2002
Hi there,

Recently, our site (hosted on a shared hosting server) was down for about 8 hours on friday. Lost a lot of sales. Has no responce from our web hosts whatsoever. I believe our the server got wiped out and the backuped files got reinstalled on the server - which are 3 days out of date - which i lost 3 days worth of orders, some pending.

I've realised i need to invest into managed hosting, where if things go wrong help will be within minutes. Could anybody recommend anyone? Would ideally like a dedicated server with managed hosting so there is less chance of our website being sluggish and down for periods of time.

I've talked to, but they are a bit too expensive at this stage (Prices 200-300 pm). Around £100 pm is our budget.

Any comments welcome.
Thanks for replies,

I've emailed - they seem pretty decent.

with i would prefere to go with UK based company

My main priority is the quality customer support and availability.
Adz said:
£100/month isn't enough for decent, proactively managed hosting in the UK. Staffing, land and power costs are too high.

A managed VDS would be more feasible for that budget which would isolate you from problems caused by other users on the server however neither a VDS or a managed dedi will give you any guarantee of uptime - for that you need a load balanced cluster or some kind of failover system for that.

8 hours downtime, who are you with? Sounds awfully close to home ;).

Right OK, Anybody recommend a reliable VDS provider then?

Obviously, anything would be better than what i'm currently on, as long as the downtime isn't too serious. 8 Hours did a lot of damage, i can't bear to think on the amount of sales we missed through the site.

We are currently hosted by registron/2host - The guy that runs it is usually extremely reliable and quick and has helped me out on serveral occasions. However, i haven't heard from him for about 2 months. Couldn't phone him as it put me through to an answer message. He's probably dead :eek:
Adz said:
If they guy you're referring to is called Adam, that's me! Small world... unless you heard of us through this forum.

Is your site an ecommerce store with a name very similar to your OcUK handle? If so, we've got a backlog of around 500 "why is my site down" emails from yesterday's issue. A global announcement is going out in about 30 minutes, we've just finished writing it.

Indeed it is. Been posting on this forum 2002, just haven't been on for a few years.

OK, look forward to receving it. However, i would appreciate it if you could fix our ssl certifcate that seems to have backdated to our previous one. Nobody can log in securely.
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