Can anyone clear this up for me?

13 Jun 2004
Cheshire, UK
I heard recently (cant remember where though, maybe a podcast) that for best quality I should have the volume on my sound card at max (so windows volume) and control the volume on my speakers instead.

Is this true at all?
I've always found my speakers sound better when they are turned up using the volume dial rather than using the windows software.

Must be due to increasing the power or something.
That's a good question actually haha :D I've always wondered that, seeing as i seem to have about 100000 different places to adjust the volume on my PC :S
Have it at full volume, the windows sound mixer only makes things worse as you lose resolution when you lower the volume.

For best quality, you can bypass the windows sound mixer completely using ASIO and some soundcards.

Here's what I do:

Foobar (ASIO)> Emu1212m(ASIO set to direct out) > Alps 4gang-pot > Balanced Headphone amp > HD580's.

If you have crap speakers tho this isn't really worth worrying about.... I use the windows mixer when I have it playing thru some random speakers, as my speakers amp has no volume control.
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