Can anyone do me a favour?

26 Aug 2012
North West
One of my kids has given me a logo to make digital, however, this isn't my specality.

Could anyone make this digital? Higher-Res picture linked here


The M is mean to be the reflection of the W in water.

I might be able to send some stuff to anyone who can help as a reward =)
I'm sure I could help.

When do you need it by? I'm in the middle of a freelance web build, so would need to carve out a few hours.
There is no rush really, but if you could I'd love you. I've thrown together something and I think it's crap but others like it, I'll upload it and post it here when I get a chance.
Might be worth posting this in GD youll get a result faster.

I just can't match the font :(. I'm not at a high enough level to design don't yet.
The piece has serious thematic flaws. The WM is the only reflection, and the small caps of in mead are colliding creating the slant. That d is never going sit well with its long tail.

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