Can anyone do me a quick poster?

22 Jun 2005
At school we are organising a charity fund raising disco, basically we need a poster doing to advertise the event, I dont have any photoshop skills whatsoever, but I kinda know what to do,,

We basically need a poster with a picture of an ice cube on it, the cube has to be in pretty cool looking surroundings and with the letters ICE3 (little 3) engraved in the ice.

I cannot offer much cash as reward, but i can also offer non financial rewards, you can email me to ask :D

Thanks for your help!
it was A4 size for the poster, the above one looks great! except the 3 is small and at the top right of the ice, superscript in fact.

anyone done any others?
Thanks :D
Man these are all really nice, I guess I will have to show the rest of the organisers what you lovely chaps have come up with,
are all those full size?
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