Can anyone help me pls

8 Sep 2003
Was 150 yds from OCUK - now 0.5 mile; they moved
I want some1 to make me a website where I have a list of thumbnails on the left side, with a box (most of the page) showing 1 of the pics, then if i click one of the thumbprints I want the main pic to change to this one.

I want the background to be black?

How can I do this?
you can either:

Have a large version of every image & a small one
Have a large version of every image and use php/css to create the smaller images

Someone could do this for you but you would have to supply them with all the images.

I can do it for you tonight as I have nowt else to do I think!

Add me to MSN via trust on here or :

Do you have any web building experience?
If not, I'd start by looking at xHTML & CSS, the basis of web building

google for tizag, very helpful site :) think its
If you have no experience of php and xhtml then check out Joomla. There is a module that does exactley what your looking for
Tiny bit of php will probably do it.

Something like

<div id="nav">
<a href="index.php?image=nav0">
<img src="nav0_th.jpg" />
<div id="main">
echo ' <img src="'.html_strip_char($_GET["image"]).'.jpg />';

Just a quick hack, you'd probably want to add css to it, make sure its unhackable with the image=../../password etc etc but that should basically work.
tbh guys, the fact that the guy asked how to make the background black kind of makes it obvious that he has no experience with even a little html css etc, let alone php.

op: would something like this be what you want? the thumbnails can be moved the left if wanted.

if so i am happy to do this quickly for you free of charge of course as long as you can supply the images and if a decription is needed then that too. Hiow many images you thinking of adding?

email me addy.010 at googlemail dot com

guessing you have the hosting domain etc for what site thisis going to be used on?
exactly what I was going to do :p nice bit of simpleviewer!

If you need any hosting I can let you have some as it will only be a small amount, unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth for free anyway :p
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