Can anyone identify this waste trap part/know where to get it?

2 Aug 2004
Had an absolute mare today, the installer was too heavy handed removing the washing machine was pipe for the old machine and ended up snapping the port clean off the pipe.

The part in question is the T fitting that has two 40mm entries (I don't know why both the sink and half sink are 40mm) with two machine inputs in-between. See picture attached.

your so beautiful poems
Thanks for taking the time to reply, did buy the one in your first link but it didn't fit because one outlet is smaller than 40mm (which I believe is standard for the half sink waste) but both the pipes coming from my sink and half sink are 40mm.

I think the whole lot will need to be reinstalled because it's currently a hash of different fittings. New build built just over two years ago but lots of bodge jobs.
I have not seen that type of waste fitting before but it is brilliant!

as you can easily take out blockages
Rather than take everything apart
All that water leakage potential so close to those sockets ! :eek:

Yeah not the best place, just one of many examples of poor decisions and or workmanship on the flat I bought (new build). The original kitchen installers had I assume, because the plug to the old washer dryer was moulded, unwired the power cord from the back of the machine to feed the wire through a small hole drilled into the cabinet housing the machine before reattaching it.

This is despite the fact the wire could have gone below the cabinet that's lifted off the ground by legs? Either way as the poster above said, its to regs as over 300mm from a sink and it's on a RCD.

Got this sorted by a friend's cousin who is a plumber, just replaced the whole waste system.
we have had problems with the AO home install chump muppets too. They split the pipe to our new dishwasher and I rang there and then in front of them to reject the machine and ask for a new one to be sent out. They tried to say to the call centre I was lying. It was hilarious explaining to the guy over the phone how thruogh their own pigheaded ignorance they'd forced the machine back sandwiching the outlet pipe and crushing it (split on both sides of the pinch) when all they needed to do was stop when I suggested they check why it wasn't sliding in easily. Chumps. We installed the 2nd one ourselves. It's been fine for 2 years now. They literally would have left us with a leaking machine if I hadn't made them pull it out and show me the pipe. Anyone else in this position just save the money and install it yourself. No point paying for their "experts". They really really are not.
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