Can anyone recommend me a good place to buy band 'patches'

26 Apr 2004
Milton Keynes
By patches I mean the band logo fabric patches etc that are usually sold at concerts and the like to be sewed onto hoodies, bags etc, as I'd like to get some after being unable to at Download (I was very low on cash by the end :()

I'd considered the famous auction site, but cant seem to find many (or am looking under the wrong terms), so can anyone recommend anywhere good for getting rock/metal band patches? Would love to find somewhere that stocks a huge range, from loads of famous bands such as Metallica, Stone Sour, Evanescence, Dragonforce, Trivium, Iron Maiden etc :)

Thanks :)
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Do you live near a Planet Bong shop? They have tons where I live.

I'm not too sure if Planet Bong is a shop all over the country or just where I live though, but yeah they do have loads here.

I got a Fear Factory and Iron Maiden (FoTD Patch <3) on my old bag.
Thanks for the recommendations guys :)

Dont know of any planet bong shops near me Jihad, but thanks anyway :)

I tried to avoid just googling, as sometimes smaller shops on google can be a bit iffy, not to mention the amount of fud that often comes with searches :)

If anyone else has any good suggestions, for sites they know of, let me know :D
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