Can I ask...

I do on three (out of four bikes). I've been stopped once, but to be honest I deserved it as I overtook a copper and the plate was extremely small (8x2 IIRC).
The reason I don't ride with a smaller one on the fourth bike is because the wife rides pillion and she doesn't want to be stopped by the police.
I use a 7x5" and have done for 4years.. not been stopped once. It's smaller than standard obviously but still very readable.

I think it depends on the area tbh, some places are hotter on it than others.

Just don't take the **** with a letterbox plate and you'll be fine 98% of the time imo.
I'd hazard to say that the vast majority of coppers aren't going to stop you for just having a reasonably smaller plate (take the mick and it's a different matter). But it will increase your chances of being pulled if you doing something even slightly daft in their view.
I normally run with a 7" x 5.5" (same aspect ratio as standard plate but smaller).

Never been stopped in 3+ years, even when I was in a group with others that had been pulled up for letterbox plates etc.
6x4 here. Never had any issues. Then again, I have a cruiser and we seem to be able to get away with a lot more of this sort of thing than sports bike riders.
I've changed mine to 7x5, just wanted to know if I'm pushing my luck. Am I right in thinking that it's a non endorsable offence now, just a fine?
£30 or £60 fine usually I think, can't remember which one. No points though.

I think they can also give you a producer so you have to show that you have corrected it with a legal plate, but from what i've heard this is not all that common.
I've got an 8x6 so only slightly smaller but after reading this thread it feels like I've got a snow shovel attached to the rear of my bike!

Off to Ebay to find a 7x5.....
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