can i do this and is there a benifit...

19 Oct 2002
can i do this and is there a benifit i have a asus a7n8x dlx mb with a Athlon XP 2700+(333FSB)(Model 8)(Thoroughbred) cpu and just got 2 x 512mb pc3200 ram modules, so my question is as my cpu runs at 333fsb and this ram can run at 400fsb, will i see benifit if i run cpu at 166mhz and the ram at 200mhz ?, or do i just run ram underspeed at 166mhz to match the cpu, as i think i read somewhere years back that its better to run them the same, or what do you suggest i do, and before u ask why i get pc3200 ram instead of just useing my pc2700 ram i had just for my 333fsb cpu is because im looking for a Athlon XP 3200+(400 MHz FSB)(Model 10)(Barton) to max out my system here, so any suggestions to get most out of this system would be good, example will my cpu run at lower multiplyer like 11 x 200 it runs at 13 x 166 at the moment and would that make it the same as a xp3200+ barton and then match the new ram. thx
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ok guys i have stick 512mb pc3200 in each slot 1 and 3, and i still have a stick of 256mb pc2700 left can i put in slot 2/middle to make a total of 1.25gig, or will i see no benefit as it wont be proper dual channel will it or any suggestions, i will be running all sticks at the same speed until i get new chip. thx

oh and my old ram was CL2.5 and this is CL3 is there a real big difference i only stepped up because i wanted extra 512mb of ram.
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thx guys nice replys, my mb does 200fsb with 1008 bios or it takes tha max xp3200+ barton chip so it should do 200FSB correct, at the moment im running at 167 x 13 = 2171 default on my xp2700, and just running the new pc3200 ram memory frquency at 100%/sync, resulting in same speed and timings as my old pc2700 all is fine, one question i have options in bios to change my cpu frequency to 200mhz/FSB can i not just then change the multiplyer to like 11 x 200 = 2200 ? as its same speed as 167 x 13 or very close or is it hard to run the chip at 200 i mean as long as total chip speed dont go over default, i mean does it matter how i get to the default speed of xp2700 will it do 11 x 200 no problem ?, then i could run new ram at 200 also. thx
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thx for great replys again, so running at 11 x 200 and then running ram at 200 pc3200 speeds in sync will be better than running at 13 x 167 and ram at just 167 pc2700 correct ?

pc all my benchmarks i done with just 512mb ram, then same benchmarks with 1 gig of ram all stayed the same or very similar is that also correct. thx

3200 ram year 2005 week 39, default timings at 3200 is and at 2700 is, so i should bable to go lower correct.
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well i dont understand this i just tried 11 x 200 and even 10 x 200 that equals a lot less total mhz than 2172 default speed for my xp2700 chip and it wont even reboot, i have to hard cut it at mains, any ideal what i am doing wrong ? is it because my chip is only a 166/333mhz chip and i might need a barton. thx
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all i know is that with new bios 1008 i can use the xp3200+ barton that is 200mhz = 400 FSB correct ? my chip is only xp2700+ 166mhz, and my mutiplyers show's every kind of mult and cpu frequency upto 270mhz, i can go 13 x 180, strange as 13 x 180 = 2340 and 11 x 200 only = 2200, default of chip is 2172 so 2200 should be easy or is it different useing 200mhz, any ideals why that is at cpu voltage max 1.85

ps: looks like my mb is revision 1.xxxx but at asus website it says it will take a xp3200+ barton thats 200mhz fsb
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