Can I fix this? (360 dead-ish)

9 Jun 2005
A Beer Garden in the Toon
My 360 is pretty old and on its way out I think.

It used to sometimes give me a RROD, but after a cool down would be fine.

I've put her on again today and been presented with some graphics corruption like this..
Fallout 3 water
Red Faction Demo
Close up

Is this fixable via Xclamp trick or anything else or is it time to bite the bullet and buy a new one (easier said than done with little money :().

Returning it to MS is a no go as its a) out of warranty and b) been opened. I forget why now, I think my DVD tray was jammed.
Thanks for the replies guys.

Decided to bite the bullet and splash out last night and got a new Elite from the High Street on credit (:()

Got a New Elite (without the HDMI cable in the box like it was meant to have :()
- An extra Black Controller
- Black rechargeable battery pack
- Extra White Wireless Controller*
- Lego Indy*
- Kung Fu Panda*
- Lego Batman
- HDMI cable
* All part of the 'Wireless Entertainment Package'

All for £275 :D

MagicBoy said:
Replaced it a couple of weeks ago with a Jasper arcade which is much quieter.

How much os much quieter? My fans are quieter than my Pro, but far from silent but my DVD drive is still pretty noisy. I suppose thats what the 120gb HDD is for?
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