Can I make Windows Update install updates but defer rebooting?

10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
As the title please. I just want Windows Update to locate and install updates as usual, but hold off the reboot until I'm back at my PC. I leave an AI server running on (my own PC) overnight and my Synology NAS does a daily backup at 08:00. If the PC restarts without my knowledge, then the AI server is stopped and the NAS can't backup my PC on that day. I also lose some of my open Windows, although to be fair, Windows does re-open any unsaved Notepad and Notepad++ Windows with their unsaved data still in them. Windows 11.

I searched on here and on Google and attempted 2 solutions:

1. Go to Settings > Windoiws Upate > Advanced > Notify me when a restart is needed (toggle this on)

2. Go to regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows. In Windows create a key called WindowsUpdate. In WindowsUpdate, create a key called AU. In AU, create a 32-bit DWORD called NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers and set the value to 1.

Both solutions are still in place now after a few months (just to be absolutely certain) but neither of them had worked.
Nope, you can make it defer for awhile/extend it but you can't stop it AFAIK, the only way to take control of that behaviour is the nuclear option and install Windows Update Blocker and stop everything :(

Annoys me on a nearly daily basis.
Thanks @Rroff - I'll have a look at that. I don't want to stop it completely. Just have it so a notification by the clock / systray says that a reboot is required upon returning to the PC. So then I can close my programs/server correctly then reboot.

In fact, my work's PC is set up like this, probably by Group Policy / IT admin, which allows me to close down all of my work then click on reboot on the systray prompt.
In fact, my work's PC is set up like this, probably by Group Policy / IT admin, which allows me to close down all of my work then click on reboot on the systray prompt.

You need Enterprise licensing and SCCM (or Intune) to properly accomplish that - you can do it to an extent with the Professional edition and Group Policies - but sometimes MS thinks they know better and will override your settings anyway! on Home editions of the OS I don't think the corresponding policies work properly.

The only way I've been able to 100% avoid these issues and prevent data loss unfortunately has been the nuclear option with Windows Update Blocker and just hoping MS don't prevent it working in the future - the developers of the OS are ******** *******.
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Something I posted once before:

"Had a fun one today at work - SCCM forced a restart on the system I was using, outside of the maintenance window, for a Windows update... snooze option disabled and a count down while I was in the middle of stuff I couldn't just put on hold... and according to IT wasn't an authorised event by them."

I don't think IT were trying to shift blame but can't be 100% sure.
Thanks @Rroff - I'll have a look at that. I don't want to stop it completely. Just have it so a notification by the clock / systray says that a reboot is required upon returning to the PC. So then I can close my programs/server correctly then reboot.

In fact, my work's PC is set up like this, probably by Group Policy / IT admin, which allows me to close down all of my work then click on reboot on the systray prompt.
I've got to admit mine's set up like this after a GP edit. It also won't download/install anything unless I tell it to (it'll still prompt me though)
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