Can I run a PC with a 4090 and a 2080ti?

19 May 2012
Can I build a PC which has a 4090 and 2080ti but i choose which GPU I use? Or is it easier to just have 2 separate machines?
I need the 2080ti rig for 3D gaming which the 4090 can't do due to dropped 3D vision support.
This is what someone posted on the nvidia forums for a 1070 and 960:

This is resolved. Here are the steps I followed after installing the second video card.
  1. Initial boot up the computer
  2. Restart
  3. Uninstall drivers for both. Windows 10 will have auto installed a bad driver for the 960.
  4. Download the GeForce Experience tool.
  5. Restart.The tool won’t recognize your drivers yet
  6. Install the drivers using the tool
  7. Restart
  8. Use the tool and install again. It will install additional items.
  9. Restart
  10. At this point the GPUs had no issues when I viewed them in device management.
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