Can I send/control my PC screen from another room/screen wirelessly?

1 Sep 2003
Hi all. So this is totally out of my knowledge base. I have my PC hooked up to my home cinema in the living room. I was wondering if I can either send the picture to the bedroom tv or even better control the PC from the bed room as if it was in the same room as me. Mainly for movies (not those ones) but maybe for playing games too.

Is this even possible? If so what are my options? :)
Some TVs support wireless screensharing I believe. Or you can probably get dongles for this.
Be wary about remote sharing over Remote Desktop or TeamViewer etc, the quality / framerate will be a lot worse than playing the content directly.
As mentioned it might be simplest to simply share the files over the network if the TV has a built in media player
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