Can I use the 360 on an older 15" TFT?

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Liverpool, UK
I may be able to get hold of an old-ish 15" TFT from work, and I was wondering if I could hook my 360 up to it (assuming I can find one of the HD cables somewhere)? I'm assuming I could, but it'd be nice to check before searching the net and local stores for the cable :)
PiKe said:
With it being square you'll have black borders top and bottom, making it even smaller!
Hmmm, true. Perhaps I won't bother then. Just would have been nice to have the 360 set up by my PC to save me moving to play games :D
Well, if I ever come across the cable I'll pick it up. It'll be useful at some point in the future no doubt, so it won't harm to buy it and try it.
lordrobs said:
If your planning on having it set up on your desk can you not use your pc monitor?

My main monitor is a crappy 17" CRT which really needs replacing :/

gord said:
Do you use your msn?

Sometimes. I keep forgetting to log into it. You can always reach me by email (in sig) if I'm not online :)
lordrobs said:
Ah ok, unless its really crappy though i'd pick the 17" crt over an old 15" TFT (that is assuming old = slow refresh rate) Either way both are a cheap way of getting high resolution lovelyness :D
This may sound dumb, but I thought you had to use a TFT to get the full benefit of HD?
PiKe said:
What about HDTV's :p

5:4 screens are crap because HD resolutions are widescreen and should be displayed that way.
Hmmm, well my monitor certainly needs replacing, might get a 19" CRT (they're only just over £100 now) and then pick up a VGA cable should I see one floating around. Cheers mate :)
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