Can memory deteriorate ?

19 Feb 2007
Area 18, ArcCorp
Currently have a 3950X on a Crosshair VIII Hero X570, Up until recently I was able to run my memory at its rated speed of 3200MHz but now it's only stable at 2933MHz, Anything over this and I get random system reboots.

Now the CH8 also had a bios update recently and a few people are also reporting that they are getting random reboots but Asus has replied to multiple people and they are adamant that they are not to blame and their bios is bug free, Passed internal testing etc... So if Asus definitely are in the clear, Can memory just go bad with it needing lower speeds to remain stable ?

I'd test other memory but I don't have any and legit cannot buy any right now due to my work being closed due to human malware.

Any input is appreciated.
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I would imagen the bios update is more likely than deg. I would roll back to the previous bios you had and see if that fixes it.
Same, I'd blame the BIOS first, maybe it has made changes to voltages and timings. If you were overclocking it then more possible.
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