can pc4000 run at 3200 specs?

28 Aug 2004
title says it all really... can memory thats rated at pc4000 be run at 3200s tighter timings??

can this:
OCZ 2GB PC4000 (CL 3-3-2-8 @ ddr500)

be ran at these timings:
OCZ 2GB (2 x 1GB) PC3200 (CL 2-3-2-5 @ddr400)

So in general...

It's better to go for the pc4000 set if you can get them for the same ish price as the 3200s, as they should run tight 200mhz timings for stock cpu clocks but allow for overclocking potential.

Or is it not worth the hassle; as running memory on a divider doesnt effect AMDs performance and the tight timings may be of more benefit than the overclocked ram?
No, I havent decided on brand or speed yet, hence this thread.

So far though I've read that timings are more important than small overclocks, so I think I'll be getting a 3200 set and run a divider.

It's either the OCZ or the Gskill zx stuff.

Another question though, memory bought in america on my travels should work fine back in england shouldnt it??
I think the ram is a bit cheaper over there so it would be a bonus if it did.

My mobo is an MSI Neo2 Platinum. Runs crucial ballistix 4000 (512x2) at the moment.

Oh, and I know in general America is cheaper then the UK, but ram over there is half the price?!
That seems like a bigger difference than other components. An AMD 4000 is roughly the same price as it is in the uk.
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