Can Raspberry Pi perform Tests on HDD?

23 Mar 2010
Hi, so I've bought some HDDs. And like all HDDs I receive, they need to be tested for any faults or if they pass the test before actually putting them to use.

e.g. WD HDDs, using WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostics to perform tests to see if it passes.
4-6tb HDDs take around 2-4 days to finish running tests.

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ lying around and thought what if it can help run the tests for HDDs.
That way, I won't have to leave my PC on for 2-4 days straight and this will greatly reduce power consumption since I usually run these tests on my main gaming PC.

I did some searching and couldn't find any info about this.
Does anyone have any knowledge about doing this with a Raspberry Pi? any Pi projects that I could have missed?
Love to know if its possible.

Thanks in advance
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