Can Sky be "convinced" to do FOC repairs?

4 Mar 2003
My parents have had a Sky subscription for quite some time now.
I cannot for the life of me remember which package they are on - I believe they get all of the basic channels and are then subscribed to one set of premiums.

Anyway, they have had a few problems recently that are indicating possible problems at either the dish or decoder end of things.
The kit they have is very much out of warranty so I've said to them that if they need a new box they should give E-Bay a go as it will be a much cheaper option.
They called Sky recently and they said they could send out an engineer but as everything is out of warranty they were looking at a £65 bill.

Now....if this was a mobile phone company and my mobile had gone faulty and I was outside of contract then at this point I'd say "£65, in that case I think I'll just cancel my contract" and there is a very high chance they would find a solution for me - the £65 charge could well be waived very quickly.
Does anybody know if Sky are the same?
If my parents phoned up, were quoted £65 and then basically said "Well in that case I think we'll cancel our subscription and look into Freeview (or whatever) the likelyhood Sky are of "negotiating"?

I don't think it is something my parents would do anyway - I'm just interested more than anything as to if Sky are interested in going out of their way to keep subscribers (because we all know they make all of their profit from monthly subscriptions and not from sign-up's etc) or not.
Has anybody done anything similar to above?
I did the exact same thing when the parents box died.

Phoned up to "cancel" as "couldn't afford" the service charge.

Worked a treat :)
Tesla said:
I did the exact same thing when the parents box died.

Phoned up to "cancel" as "couldn't afford" the service charge.

Worked a treat :)

Most interesting :)
Thanks for the response.
I did exactly this about 3 months ago. Phoned up went through the "phone troubleshooting" then they said need to book an engineer, £65 please. Said I'll call them back. Rang back, explained that I wanted to cancel as I couldn't afford the engineer charge, cue being on hold trying to get throught to cancellations when she comes back and says they'll fix it FOC :D. Be prepared to actually cancel though as I have heard sometimes they will actually let you go through with it.

My theory is, that it's easier to do the engineer FOC and continue getting the £20 -£40 a month rather than a one off payment for the engineer. (if that makes sense)
Is there a minimum time before you can rejoin? I'm just thinking if you do end up getting yourself a cancelled contract you could join again and get yourself the movie channels for free for six months (that's the special offer for new customers at the mo IIRC).

fini said:
Is there a minimum time before you can rejoin? I'm just thinking if you do end up getting yourself a cancelled contract you could join again and get yourself the movie channels for free for six months (that's the special offer for new customers at the mo IIRC).


Think it might be six months or possibly even a year
I had someone from sky ring me up out of the blue trying to pimp an extended warranty for my sky+ box. £99 to you chief. So I wasted as much of his time as possible before politely saying "No thanks".
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