Can somebody explain how driving past a gimp rolling in mud, is considered the gimp harrassing you ?

25 Nov 2005

I don't get it ? Yeah he's a weirdo for dressing as a gimp and rolling in mud but how has he harrassed anybody ? These are people who just drove past him and as one "victim" states

"It was terrifying although I had only seen them for a few seconds,"

I thought the benchmark for harrassment involved actually harrassing people by following/phoning/messaging them repeatedly, not just being in the vicinity of somebody else for a matter of seconds minding your own business (even if that business is rolling around in the mud in a gimp suit)

Is this story just poorly reported and there's actually more to it ?
I would err on the side of being poorly reported, as there's very little detail on what actually occurred other than vague statements from several witnesses stating that he approached them, or caused the drivers to manoeuvre around him while dressed in whatever he was wearing.
That's what I'm thinking, there has to be more to the story than what little is reported as it sounds like they just drove past him and got offended
gardener who "terrified" women in a Somerset village has been banned from writhing on the floor in an all-black bodysuit in public.
Seems arbitrary to just ban him for 5 years, you know when his ban expires he's going to be writing in the mud again
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