can someone clear up 1T for me?

21 Oct 2002
If you can't get 1T to work what is the likely problem? Is it a memory thing, motherboard issue or chip related? Obviously I can't get mine to run 1T else I wouldn't be asking, but I'm running at quite a high FSB (260).

Venice 3200+, 2 x 512mb Corsair 4400, A8N5X.


With my venice 3200 I didn't even get an option for 1T in the BIOS but it appeared with an opteron in the exact same mobo!

Do you get the option ?

I've got the option, I just can't get it working. Is it something that only works at lower fsb speeds?

It depends very much on the memory. I have Gskill HZ PC4000 and I can run them at 1T @ 240Mhz (DDR480) and 265Mhz(DDR530) however my old OCZ premier PC3200 wouldn't run 1T above 210Mhz. You may need to loosen off your timings, a little. My Gskill are @ 3-4-4-8.

Hope this helps

It's just down to your high FSB, you would have to lower it to achieve 1T. You are only loosing out on about 1-2% on most games etc so don't loose any sleep over it.
wam7 said:
It's just down to your high FSB, you would have to lower it to achieve 1T. You are only loosing out on about 1-2% on most games etc so don't loose any sleep over it.

It shouldnt be as his memory is rated to run at 275 @ 2.5,4,4,8 1t @ 2.75v. Check your timings are ok and also that some of the other timings arnt wrong. What voltage are you using. I had a set of this memory and whatever i did i couldnt get it memtest stable past 270 due to my board but at 270 and 2.95v it ran stable at 2.5,3,3,6 1t
ted34 said:
It shouldnt be as his memory is rated to run at 275 @ 2.5,4,4,8 1t @ 2.75v. Check your timings are ok and also that some of the other timings arnt wrong. What voltage are you using. I had a set of this memory and whatever i did i couldnt get it memtest stable past 270 due to my board but at 270 and 2.95v it ran stable at 2.5,3,3,6 1t

I was thinking that, this memory is capable of better than I'm running it at, surely it's the board or the chip that are to blame, I do remember running this chip on my old an8-ultra at 1T but I can't remember what speed the memory was running at. Could it be a motherboard thing? BTW the timings are all at stock default settings ie 2.5,4,4,8. HT is set to x3, mem voltage = 2.75 and the chip is running at 1.55v.


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