Can someone print some parts for me?

7 Jan 2007
I'm looking to put together one of these media dials:
There are printer setting on the Adafruit site here:

I've looked at some of the commercial printing sites, but none of them seem to offer dual colour printing to make the translucent ring on the cover. Would someone here have the time and kit to print it for me? I'm happy to cover material costs/postage/beer/etc.
I was hoping the translucent ring could be white to make the best use of the RGB LED ring that sits below it. I'm not particularly concerned about the colour of the other bits as I can easily give it a coat of paint.
So I have clear/translucent filament, this will be like the pictures on the Adafruit website. White filament will probably not show the LEDs under it.

And I have a lot of different colours for the rest, if you have a preference I can probably meet it.

Ah, ok. Clear filament makes sense then. For the rest of the dial black would be good as it would match my keyboard/mouse/etc
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