Can someone pull this knife out of my back? (rant)

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Abilene, Texas
I am soo Oi! No swearing! off at the moment I want to hit someone!

Ever since I decided I wanted to be in the military I have wanted to deploy, come back with my own stories and pictures etc and see the world. When I got to my first base early last year one of the first things I said to my superiors was that I wanted to deploy anywhere outside the US but it would be nice to go to Baghdad. So I worked my rear end off getting my upgrade training done before some people who were at the base longer than me. I scored a 92% on the test which is a great score. I have gotten over 90 on my PT tests. I have volunteered to learn to teach CPR classes, become a PT leader. I have playing in 3 different squadon sports. Been to squadron events. I have pulled 18+ hour days and worked over time on many occasions. I am considered to be one of the most knowledgeable in my shop.

Well, we get a few tasking for an upcoming deployment, on of which is to Florida. I dont want to go to florida only because I have been there and seen it. But I want to deploy and I would have been happy with florida. But I dont get the slot. They give it so someone who hasnt volunteered for anythig, scored an 81 on his upgrade test and barely knows his job. What makes it even worse is he will probably be sitting on the beach or surfing or having a good time and will come back with a lot of cool stories while I sit in the same *&^%ing desk doing the same crap I have been doing for the last year. The guy is so incompetant, he cant think through problems and just generally doesnt care!

The reason for this I hear through the rumour mill is that they want to keep the knowledgeable people here to keep us running.

I feel like all my hard work and dedication has been crapped on. I want so bad just to leave the squadron with my middle finger raised high. I want nothing to do with any of the people in the squadron.

What ever happened to being rewarded for hard work? I am still doing the same crap was doing earlier.

Just thinking about it makes me mad :mad: :mad:
Well, there are other circumstances leading to me being angry. Firstly, they have known for sometimes my wish to deploy and instead they put me in a group that isnt slated to be elligable to deploy until next year. I have volunteered for anything that comes up in this years slot though.

My anger may be premature and thats the reason I havent brought it up with upper management. As some people have mentioned there may be something else. Overhearing my supervisors talk to each other I got the distinct feeling I wasnt high on the list of people to be filling slots.

I am going to wait it out before I start to fill out paperwork to get to another base but I just have a feeling that I am not going anywhere if my superiors have anything to say about it.

Bitboy, when official word was released of the slot I told my Super that I would like to volunteer for it and anything else that came up. But when upper management get word of slots they pass them on as soon as possible to us, so they cant know of any slot in the future.

I think this is just the tipping point in a whole list of problems I have with my squadron and the people I work for/with. After being here for a year I am just starting to get the impression that I am seen as a stepping stone by upper management to get the Oak Leaf or extra stripe. I know that the whole Air Force isnt like that.

The reason I am so keen on going this time is because I hope to be cross-training in January '07 so will be in training for that whole year and then have to do all the upgrade training for that career.
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