can someone review this code and tell me why nothing shows on the page

5 Feb 2016
helping a student with their project in the school. the website shows all in the design but in the preview it is blank. have another page in the website where only the middle paragh shows. the other 4 pages work perfect.

could someone may tell me if there are any conflicts in this code

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<span class="auto-style5"><strong>Action Pursuits</strong></span>
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<marquee class="auto-style7" style="height: 37px; width: 520px">You didnt realise You were making memories,* You were justing havng fun!</marquee></em><br />

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<h1 class="auto-style10" style="height: 65px">
<h1 class="auto-style10" style="height: 65px">
<span class="auto-style9"><em>Possibly the most fun you can have and
still learn more about yourself and your friends at the same time!</em></span></span><strong style="font-size: large;"><span class="auto-style12"><br />
<p class="auto-style13">Our dingle scramble follows the stream (1.2
km in length) rising over 150 meters and consists of a number of
carefully thought out obstacles. You will encounter cargo nets, a
climbing and abseiling tower, 12m tubes, water features and much
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<p><strong><span class="auto-style16">
Dingle Scramble - Half Day Session:</span></strong></p>
<p class="auto-style18"><span class="activityprice"><strong>
<span class="auto-style14">£26</span></strong><span class="auto-style14">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
</span></span><em><span class="auto-style12">
<span class="auto-style17">A half day fully-instructed wet and muddy
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<p style="width: 407px"><span class="auto-style14">The emphasis here
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and encourage guests to learn new skills in a relaxed but
challenging environment. Areas covered include: </p>
<li>Open communication</li>
<li>Problem solving&nbsp;</li>
<li>Shared responsibility</li>
<li>Developing relationships</li>
<li>Time management</li>
<li>Trust &amp; support</li>
<li>“No blame” culture</li>
<li>Working towards a common goal</li>
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thanks in advance.
Yes, it's very messy.

I think what you need to understand is the separation of the style and content into separate HTML and CSS pages.

Some basic tips are to find out the font family's supported by internet explorer, how to insert a CSS page into a website and how to activate the style of the CSS page.

By finding out the above it should you refine the code to be used into a workable website.

I hope that helps.
W3Schools has some good beginner tutorials on HTML, CSS, PHP and bootstrap (great little framework as a beginner). TheNewBoston (youtube channel) has a nice beginner tutorial on bootstrap which is a little framework that might make breaking into this stuff a bit easier.

Then once you've done that, download some "Bootstrap Templates" and see how they work. You'll amaze your teacher.
First of all, Expression Web is absolute garbage.

The comments within the HTML would be why a lot of the content isn't being displayed.
Hi thanks for the reply. Yeah it is a mess. I'm just in charge with cleaning it up :(. Expression is not great but the only other option available is front page so I'm using the best I have to work with. Northern Ireland schools are very closed software wise.
W3Schools has some good beginner tutorials on HTML, CSS, PHP and bootstrap (great little framework as a beginner). TheNewBoston (youtube channel) has a nice beginner tutorial on bootstrap which is a little framework that might make breaking into this stuff a bit easier.

Then once you've done that, download some "Bootstrap Templates" and see how they work. You'll amaze your teacher.

This is a students work. I'm just helping the guy who teaches it. I've done a bit of dreameaver and visual basic when I was doing my degree that time. It was working one day then the student played around with it and that's the result of it
First of all, Expression Web is absolute garbage.

The comments within the HTML would be why a lot of the content isn't being displayed.

Is the <!--start Master head --> the comments in this or what are tthey if I'm incorrect ? I'm used to the \\ from visual basic and the "" from dreameaver. This has just thrown me off gaurd. And yeah the software isn't great but better than front page which is the only other option.

I can do a bit of Web development as it was in the degrees I did but I'm more networking and systems support guy
Is the <!--start Master head --> the comments in this or what are tthey if I'm incorrect ? I'm used to the \\ from visual basic and the "" from dreameaver. This has just thrown me off gaurd. And yeah the software isn't great but better than front page which is the only other option.

I can do a bit of Web development as it was in the degrees I did but I'm more networking and systems support guy

Yeah those are comments, let me tidy up the code and take a look for you properly.
Here's the code with the comments removed:

It's still a total mess but everything is visible. I noticed there is also a stylesheet linked at the top so some styling may still be missing from what you've pasted above.

Hope this helps.

worked 95%
just a few overlaps and text and stuff that need to edit with the style sheets but most of the content shows. you're a life saver man.
got the second page was having problems with. it was all to do with the comments ( was commenting the whole thing so nothing displayed). used the tool that spenncerr used and a html valiadator and working 100%

thanks guys
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